Lightning Talks IV

Room: Maasai Mara

Sunday, 12:30
Duration: 20 minutes (plus Q&A)

Slides of "Maps that matter: Fighting climate crisis with maps"

Slides of "Hot OpenSummit '23-24"

Slides of "OSM Malawi: Insights into the contributions of the OSM community"

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  • SotM Working Group

There will be a board where you can sign up for a lightning talks. There are three slots for lightning talks at this conference. Each lightning talk is five minutes long. The topic must be about OpenStreetMap. Prior submission is not required. But if you are not in Nairobi you can send us a prerecorded lightning talk that we will stream during the conference.

Hot course in OSM data use (new course!)

by Sam Colchester

OSM Malawi: Insights into the contributions of the OSM community

by Priscilla Kapolo

Hot Open Summit 2324

by Geoffrey Kateregga

The grwth of OSM community in Zambia (Local knowledge mappis)

by Priscovia Ng’ambi

Using OSM in urban planning of informal settlements

by Rem ígio Chilaule

Find an efficient way foe field mapping & data collection

by Micheal Kaluba

OSM Malawi: Insights into the contributions of the OSM community

by Priscilla Kapolo

Hot Open Summit 2024

by Geoffrey Kateregga

The grwth of OSM community in Zambia (Local knowledge mappis)

by Priscovia Ng’ambi

Using OSM in urban planning of informal settements

by Remígio Chilaule

Find an efficient way for field mapping & data collection

by Micheal Kaluba

Hot course in OSM data use (new course!)

by Sam Colchester

Hot OpenSummit ‘23-24

by Geoffrey Kateregga

OSM Malawi: Insights into the contributions of the OSM community

by Priscilla Kapolo

The growth of OSM community in Zambia (Local knowledge mapping)

by Priscovia Ng’ambi

QField - an efficient way for field mapping & data collection

by Micheal Kaluba

Maps that matter: Fighting climate crisis with maps

by Babalola Oluwabukola