Cloud-native OSM for Visualization & Analysis

Room: Maasai Mara

Saturday, 11:30
Duration: 20 minutes (plus Q&A)

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  • Sajjad Anwar
  • Wille Marcel

Cloud-native approaches and formats are increasingly becoming the defaults for geospatial data analysis, visualisation and distribution. Standards like STAC and formats like GeoParquet, FlatGeobuf and PMTiles are being adopted to meet high volume and performance needs. OpenStreetMap can take advantage of these new approaches to increase adoption, interoperability and solve analysis and visualisation problems that were previously complex. This talk will discuss a few ways to bring cloud-native formats to OSM use-cases and present lessons on building new applications that take advantage of these improvements. Particularly, we will discuss how to use cloud-native approaches to improve OSM validation and change visualization efforts.

OpenStreetMap data is core to projects used by millions of users worldwide. With the increase in volume of data, developers are turning to cloud-native approaches to efficiently manage geospatial operations and visualizations. The primary OSM data distribution are currently Shapefiles, GeoJSONs, Raster and Vector tiles, and OSM specific formats like osm and osc.

What are the possibilities of other formats like GeoParquet, FlatGeobuf and GeoArrow? How can these formats improve existing workflows in OSM and allow users new ways to work with OSM data? How can we enable interoperability with other datasets and tool ecosystems? These are some of the questions we will address in this talk.