Mapping the classroom with Every Door

Room: Amboseli Hall

Friday, 14:30
Duration: 60 minutes (plus Q&A)

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  • Ilya Zverev

This is a practical lesson on mapping with Every Door app. The idea for the app is, it’s not enough to just map: you should map every single thing you see. So let’s train our mapping muscles a bit: it’s not a problem that we’re inside, treat it as an art class. We will be making art with a map editor. Hopefully nobody would ban us for this haha.

This lesson covers everything important about Every Door, from setting it up to using four mapping modes. You would need two things: your phone, and Every Door app installed on it.

I haven’t planned the activities yet, but sitting down for an hour is a bit dull, so maybe we will take a walk around. But on the other hand, outside would be too hot, so we won’t be mapping real things. How this would work? I don’t know, let’s find out together!